Large software evolution to rely on agile and formal methods
How would you present DECODER?
DECODER has been conceived to improve the software development process by helping and assisting the involved stakeholders in their respective tasks within the process. For this purpose, different type of queries and visualizations over the knowledge stored in the Persistent Knowledge Monitor (the core component in the DECODER architecture) will be defined.
What is your role in the project?
I am involved mainly in work packages (wp)1, 3, and 5. Regarding wp1, I am working on the definition of the PKM meta model, its implementation and also on the definition of the interaction mechanisms to enable bidirectional communication between the PKM and the set of tools (some provided by partners from the consortium, some built specially in DECODER) that will either populate and/or query the PKM. Regarding wp3, I am involved in the definition of an abstract semi-formal language that will contain formal properties of source code. Models built from this language will allow us to keep a strong connection between documentation, requirements and code, allowing to better follow code evolution. Finally, in WP5 where UPV participates as leaders, I will be involved in the design of the methodology and the tool support to assist end-users along the lifecycle of large open source ecosystems. To this end, agile and formal methods will be explored to design such methodology.
What key innovation do you bring or help to develop?
The key innovation of DECODER is to provide the knowledge required by stakeholders to help and assist them in their software project respective tasks. This knowledge will be built from the processing of different types of artefacts (such as source code, documentation, requirements, specifications, etc.) and stored in the PKM, so it can be used differently by stakeholders according to their own needs. By providing the appropriate knowledge to each stakeholder along the software lifecycle, we will be able to reduce the load and cost required to manage software projects.
A word about yourself and your organization
I am a part time lecturer in Computer Science at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and a member of the Research Center on Software Production Methods (PROS). I specialize in areas such as Business Process Management, Process Variability, Internet of Things, Web Engineering, and Model Driven Development. At PROS Center, researchers work in the study and creation of new processes, methods and strategies in order to support the software production process from a rigorous, reliable and industry-oriented perspective. PROS’ main goal is to improve traditional software production methods, providing model-driven methods and testing techniques to develop high-quality software in a systematic and productive way.