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D1.1Report on existing representations and specifications relevant to the PKM (September 2019)UPV
D1.2Open source client-side software - first version (April 2020)CEA
D1.3Open source PKM server-side software - first version (April 2020)CEA
D1.4Open source client-side software – final version (December 2021)CEA
D1.5Open source PKM server-side software - final version (December 2021)CEA
D2.1Report on techniques for information extraction from source code - V1 (December 2019)TREE
D2.2Report on techniques for information extraction from source code - V2 (June 2020)TREE
D2.3Report on techniques for information extraction from source code - V3 (March 2021)TREE
D2.4Report on first version of techniques for code summarization (December 2020)TREE
D2.5Report on final version of techniques for code summarization (July 2021)TREE
D3.1ASFM Language Definition (December 2019)UPV
D3.2ACSL/ACSL++ and JML translator from ASFM (December 2020)CEA
D3.3Generation, evolution and exploitation of ASFM (February 2021)UPV
D4.1Semantic Extraction from text and alignment with code (December 2019)CEA
D4.2Trace recovery (July 2020)CEA
D4.3First prototype of the GUI for trace recovery and impact of change control (June 2020)CAPGEMINI
D4.4Final version of the GUI for semantic navigation and change assessment (March 2022)CAPGEMINI
D5.1Application characterization report (May 2019)SYSGO
D5.2Initial methodology design report (December 2019)UPV
D5.3Tool integration plan (June 2020)UPV
D5.4Updated methodology design report (August 2020)UPV
D5.5Methodology tool support (October 2021)UPV
D5.6Validation report (January 2022)TREE
D6.1Status report of use cases (December 2019)SYSGO
D6.2Use-case data from the PKM (December 2020)CEA
D6.3Report on application for embedded use-case (March 2022)SYSGO
D6.4Report on OpenCV quality assessment and code map (February 2022)TREE
D6.5Report on Extraction and verification of (Industry Standard) Application Design Documentation (January 2022)CAPGEMINI
D6.6Application of DECODER to selected OW2 projects (March 2022)OW2
D7.1Project Website and Collaborative Infrastructure (March 2019)OW2
D7.3Project Collateral, Dissemination and Communication - V1 (June 2020)OW2
D7.5Project Collateral, Dissemination and Communication - V2 (December 2021)OW2
D8.1Project Quality Plan (March 2019)TEC